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Classic Vehicle Events 2012

Here are the dates for the 2012 Events:

The Under Milkwood Run
Saturday 16th June
Starts Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles, Swansea at 10.15am
Ends at Laugharne foreshore car park.
(vehicles must take part in the run to be able to display at the foreshore)
Entry forms available Later in the year!

The “Under Milk Wood” classic vehicle road run will take place on Saturday 16th of June 2012. The run will once again start at Bracelet Bay (car park) Mumbles and will end at Laugharne in Carmarthenshire.

It is free to enter and a gift will be given to all entered before 10th May 2012. There is a restriction on parking at Laugharne so your early entry will ensure you have a place at the foreshore.

The route follows A class roads and no Motorways are involved. Those wishing to join us from other areas and not take part in the run will be parked at the foreshore after the road runners are all parked up.

Further details tel Ashley: 07814 958 379

National Transport Festival of Wales
Sunday 17th June
Static show at Landore Park & Ride site.
10:30am – 4pm

About the Show:
Back in 1994 I did my first show at Swansea Airport and this was known as ‘Wings and Wheels’ and attracted about 80 vehicles. The following year it was held at the Quadrant bus station and surrounding car parks. The move to Singleton Hospital and the name Swansea Festival of Transport came about. Some very successful shows were held at the hospital and a several thousand pounds were raised for various charities.With the show growing and much larger vehicles arriving it was then a move to the grounds of County Hall. As the events were always free and costs soaring it was suggested a name change to the National Transport Festival of Wales may bring in a few small grants. Some grants were found and the odd sponsor did help.

Building work at County Hall meant we had to move to the Recreation Ground, then the Stadium and then back to the Recreation Ground and with these moves came higher costs, new banners, boards etc and only programme sales and stall holders pitch fees being the only income. Luckily First, Oxford Diecast and Bryngold Books helped out to make the last Festival in 2008 the success it was.

Having run the events for so many years I decided it was time for me to have a rest as trying to juggle work, home life and a major event was becoming a drag. I am luck that I have an excellent wife and friends who all supported me for every show and the public and enthusiasts who attended the shows should thank my team for their sterling effort.

The Road Runs started about 10 years ago and were held the day before the Festivals. The first 2 runs ended in Carmarthen showground and a Bendy bus took all who wanted back into Carmarthen town. Again I had parking costs to pay so it was a move to Laugharne 8 years ago which saw the run become the “Under Milk Wood” classic road run.

This run attracts people from far and wide in all sorts of vehicles from London buses to articulated lorries, to minis to heavy haulage tractors to scooters and all types of classic car and vans. Again this free to enter event is helped by Bryngold Books, Oxford Diecast, Swansea council and Laugharne council. My wife and friends support me on this event as does the kind gentleman who is running this website for me.

If you have not taken a trip to Laugharne with us please consider it for 2011 but get your entry in early to save your spot.
